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The New Dance

As a woman, and as someone who has been a teacher and guide for many women, there's one thing I know for sure. Some of the things that mentally and emotionally burden us, like judging our appearance, being uncomfortable with our body weight, and having a stressful and guilt ridden relationship to food, are a tremendous waste of our precious energy.

How much of your time and psyche gets squandered on these 3 issues that should be cause for celebration (“Wow”), instead of suffering (“Damn it”)?

These 3 neurotic (unnecessary) obsessions that many women deal with on a daily, if not hourly basis, drain us and rob us of so much well deserved joy. If “Damn it, I wish __________ was different ” shows up a lot in your mind, you're doing this dance.

Think of all the energy tied up in these 3 issues that could be channeled into something creatively nourishing, globally healing, and spiritually awakening! “Wow, How blessed am I to________________” is the new dance and we're headed there below…

The New Dance

You wake up in the morning and prepare for your day. Do you agonize over what you don't have and how you look in the mirror, and how getting dressed always seems to be a chore and you just don't feel quite right? Let's shift the script to: " Wow, I have a closet full of clothes to choose from, I can go shopping in my very own home, and adorn myself with all the beautiful fabrics and patterns and trinkets I've hand selected based on my personal taste. I am the canvas and look at my rich and diverse palette”.

You head to the gym for your daily or every other day workout. You've got the cool workout outfit, but the woman next to you looks half your size. Why didn't I start working out sooner, why don't I come more often, why does the weight stick to me like glue? All of this is going through your head until you shift to, “ Wow, I'm being so good to myself, I'm so blessed to have this gym membership, and it's going to feel so good once I get warmed up, and by the time I leave, I'm going to feel amazing!”

Then there's the daily encounters with food. You almost wish you didn't have to eat, it would be easier than constantly having to confront yourself and your emotional desires versus eating what is healthy for you, and then failing to stay on your diet, and then beating up on yourself for once again indulging when you should be dieting. What if each opportunity to eat and nourish ourselves sounded like this. "Wow, every bite I take, and every mouthful I swallow is a testament to how much I love myself. I eat mindfully and with gratitude because I'm aware of how blessed I am to have this food. Someone, (maybe me) prepared this food with love, and I'm going to drink in that love with every ounce of my being. Mmm…..”

The bolded portions above are your new script for each day this week every time you dress, workout and eat.

I've plucked them and assembled them below. Send them to your phone for easy access, print them and post them where appropriate, record them so you can hear yourself saying them and most of all, use them! Don't wait another moment to dance into the Wow version of your life! New Dance Script

" Wow, I have a closet full of clothes to choose from, I can go shopping in my very own home, and adorn myself with all the beautiful fabrics and patterns and trinkets I've hand selected based on my personal taste. I am the canvas and look at my rich and diverse palette”. “ Wow, I'm being so good to myself, I'm so blessed to have this gym membership, and it's going to feel so good once I get warmed up, and by the time I leave, I'm going to feel amazing!” " Wow, every bite I take, and every mouthful I swallow is a testament to how much I love myself. I eat mindfully and with gratitude because I'm aware of how blessed I am to have this food. Someone, (maybe me) prepared this food with love, and I'm going to drink in that love with every ounce of my being. Mmm…..”

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