Private Fall Cleanse on the River
Sept 20-24, 2019
Join me for a private Raw Vegan cleanse on the Pend Oreille River in Sagle, ID just outside the quaint town of Sandpoint. Time to relax and renew and get away from it all. Enjoy daily yoga, movement meditation, raw food cooking classes, nature walks in the idyliic countryside, paddle boarding and lounging by the river, being pampered with massage, detoxing in the steam & sauna.
As with all my cleansing retreats, you'll have the experience of being thoroughly taken care of, savoring delicious raw meals, green juices and be nourished on all levels as you take the time to reset and discover.
What to expect during and after
your personal Raw Detox Retreat:
Physical Benefits:
• Weight Loss
• Enhanced mental clarity
• Relief from pain
• Improved energy
• More restful sleep
• Elimination of excess toxins
• Decreased Physical Signs of Aging
Psycho/Spiritual Benefits:
Powerful transformation
Profound Life Change
Deep Heart & Soul Openings
Radiant Self Worth
Rich and Authentic Body Mind Wisdom
Renewed sense of life purpose and meaning
Repatterning of beliefs & behaviors that undermine
your well being.
Releasing of cravings and destructive eating habits
Guidance for healthy lifestyle and nutrition
Daily activities at a High Vibration Raw Cleanse Retreat:
• Yoga/meditation instruction & walking meditation
• Dance/Movement practice
• Probiotics, juices and/or smoothies
• Freshly prepared delicious Raw meals
• Cleanse check in and program adjustments when
•Optional private healing sessions
(for an additional fee)
Other Activities during the week
• Cleansing classes
• Healthy lifestyle guidelines
• Raw Food Prep Classes
• Sacred Art of Eating as a Spiritual Practice
Activities available for you to choose from for
your raw food cleansing retreat (extra fee):
Ritual creation
Life & cleanse Coaching
Vividly Woman Embodiment Coaching
Heart Math Resilience Coaching
Basic Cleanse $1195usd/guest
5 nights private accommodation
Full cleansing menu,
1 pre-retreat detox consultation,
3 Gourmet Raw Food Prep Classes,
Daily Yoga & Meditation Instruction,
Daily Dance & Meditation
Daily check-ins
Not included:
Air Travel
Airport Transfer
Tips and gratuities
Email me to register and for information about our healing and cleansing retreats and at home coaching packages. You may call me also at 509-688-5427.
See private retreat testimonials here
See Cleanse on the Beach retreats here

I recently attended a Yoga, Meditation, Raw Food, Cleansing and Fasting Retreat given by Leela Francis.
The 8-day event was held in the exquisite , thickly-wooded mountains of northern Idaho, at a luxury private home right on the vast Sagle River. Such a verdant setting complemented the luxurious home and gave it a private spa feeling.
My best friend and I, from Denver, Colorado, as well as the owner of the home, participated in this private , lovely, healing retreat. Both my friend and I were most definitely looking for a “healing vacation.” I had been recovering from acute PTSD, and we were looking forward to having some space and time out of our usual space and time. Yet the 8-day retreat was far more than we could have ever hoped for!
For me, the week-long event was majorly life-changing! When I came back home to Denver, for the entire week following, all of my friends and family stated that I seemed very, very peaceful, that I looked younger and even radiant -- as well as thinner! (I lost 7 pounds during the 8 days!)
Actually for 3 weeks prior to the Retreat, I had been on an intensive pre-cleansing routine, as I had been guided to give up gluten and sugary foods. I went through quite a bit of discomfort during those cleansing reactions, so that when I got to Leela’s Retreat, I was pretty well prepared, and there was was not much discomfort in following her very specific, disciplined, delicious raw food cleanse.

However, my body was unprepared for the Yoga, dancing, and physical activity, as I had been recovering from a life-threatening set of illnesses for several years. I had been regularly swimming 3 times per week; but I could barely walk a block. I had never done Yoga, and I hadn’t done regular dancing and aerobic exercise for many years. My doctors did clear me for the Retreat, so I bravely, courageously, and excitedly decided to follow through with it.
Furthermore, I knew that “if it doesn’t kill you, it only makes you stronger!” So I hung in there for the duration of entire 8-da program. . . . Lo and behold, a great Miracle occurred! Somehow, some way, I was literally pushed through a stuck threshold with my body, and now I am vastly stronger, more agile, and thriving than I have been for nearly 20 years!!
Because of Leela’s vast expertise and coaching, I have expanded my workout routine to Senior Yoga and regular aqua aerobic exercise classes, along with swimming, 5 days per week!
I am thrilled; my body is much happier, my sleep is very quick and deep; and I am now able to get up every morning between 7-9 am instead of my previous 10-12 noon (I had been both stressed and depressed), as well as in excruciating myo-fascial and osteo-arthritic whole body chronic pain).
Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give Leela Francis’s Health and Wellness Retreat a resounding “20!”
She was meticulously well organized, presented scrumptious recipes, which we got to help prepare a few times; and she was brilliantly motivational, gentle, nurturing, and full of the most amazing wisdom I’ve ever found yet in a live instructor!
Thank you, Leela, from the very bottom, center, and top of my heart, for a most incredulous experience! My life has forever been changed by your grace, kindness, insight, and vast experience! Kudos to you forever! I know that I still have a very long way to go in losing many pounds and gaining more strength and agility; but for the very first time in 10 years, since I was hospitalized 5 times with three life-threatening heart conditions, with tears of gratitude in my eyes , I now have hope and a gently, but profound plan to achieve a healthy, happy, long life! 😊